
St Andrew's is the parish church for the village of Eaton,
on the outskirts of Norwich.

We're a community of people who love Jesus
and seek to serve him in all that we do.

All are very welcome to join us!

Sundays at 10am
livestreamed to YouTube

and at 8am (traditional) and 6.30pm (informal)
on the first Sunday of the month.

Cleaner Job Vacancy - please click for details


Winter Sermon Series

Evening Cafe Church

Love Your Church




On Sunday mornings this term we'll be looking through 1 Corinthians and thinking about how we can live well together.

Next Service: 2 March, 6.30pm
Our cafe church is a relaxed space to share a light supper, sing some songs and study the Scriptures together.

Begins Wednesday 5th March
Be inspired and equipped to grow in love for your church family.  

Eco Church Silver Award



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