Be inspired and equipped to grow in love for your church family
Come together this Lent for six sessions exploring the glorious privileges of being part of a local church. This course is based on Tony Merida's book, Love Your Church, which explores what church is, why being part of it is exciting, and why it's worthy of our love and commitment.
Whether you're a new member or a long-timer, and whether you're feeling great or feeling weary about church, this course will awaken your love for your church, and show you how to put that love into action.
Everyone attending the course is recommended to purchase a copy of the book, at around £5 each. To order a copy and sign up, contact the Vicar.
Wednesday mornings at 10.30am in church, and Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm in the Vicarage
5 Mar Belonging (NB this week the evening session will be on Thursday 6th)
12 Mar - No session
19 Mar Welcoming
26 Mar Gathering
2 Apr Caring
9 Apr Serving
16 Apr Witnessing