Services for Lent and Holy Week

Ash Wednesday
5th March, 7.30pm

Service of ashing and holy communion, joint with Christ Church (at St Andrew's).

Mothering Sunday
30th March, 10am

All-age service with Scout parade

Palm Sunday
13th April, 10am

Service of Holy Communion to mark the beginning of Holy Week

Holy Week
Mon 14th to Wed 16th April, 5.30pm

Short reflective service of Evening Prayer

Maundy Thursday
17th April, 7.30pm

Holy Communion followed by stripping of the sanctuary

Good Friday
18th April, 2pm

Contemplative service of music and readings reflecting on Jesus' death for us

Easter Sunday
20th April

8am: Traditional Holy Communion using the Book of Common Prayer

10am: All-age service of Holy Communion celebrating the resurrection of Jesus


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